Friday, September 9, 2016

Sense of FAshion


    What was the popular trend back in 970BCE that is different from today? Was it a pair of high heels from Christian Louboutin or a leather jacket from Saint Laurent Paris? The sense of fashion has been changed over time for sure; however, would people from that period of time accept the concept of fashion in modern society, or would they consider people from today as weirdos? I guess the answer  is a "No"; not many people can appreciate the future fashion. If someone from our era is wearing clothes that are not acceptable right now, but he might lead a new trend of fashion after one or two decades, can we say that "he is the weirdo or he is ahead of us?" So the claim I'm trying to make here is: DO NOT let surrounding people to judge the thing you consider to be yourself. It can be the way you      dress, the way you talk, and most importantly, the way you live.



  1. this sounds awesome I can't wait to see this!!

  2. I love it, go wild. if you could combine your rendering skills with some clothing you could make some really wild designs.

  3. The writing is a little confusing. I think people from another time would definitely find our world and fashion strange, but I don't think it would take a few decades for a trend to catch on either. I do like the idea that we shouldn't look to others for permission or approval to be who we are.
